
Become a You Must Remember This Patron, Won't You? by Karina Longworth


Wondering what's next for Karina and You Must Remember This? Become a Patron and get access to a bi-weekly newsletter, podcast scripts, bonus episodes, and more! 

Starting on June 6, Karina will be dropping the You Must Remember This Book Club podcast for Patrons who join at $10 or more. Each month, she'll be talking to a You Must Remember This listener about a book they love related to Hollywood's first century.

Patreon Levels:

Hedda Hopper | $5 or more per month

Get the inside scoop on what Karina is working on and watching. Patrons get access to a biweekly newsletter with news on the progress of Karina's new projects, movie reviews and recommendations, and links to stuff Karina loves.

Barbara Stanwyck | $10 or more per month

Get the biweekly newsletter, as well as special bonus podcast episodes, including the You Must Remember This Book Club, with special guests!

Dorothy Parker | $15 or more per month

In addition to the newsletter and bonus pods, access  scripts or transcript of every episode in the You Must Remember This Archive. Read along with the pod, or go back to check details without having to scroll through episodes. A great option for the hearing impaired! (Scripts for new episodes will be posted once each episode of the season has been made available)

Judy Garland | $25 or more per month

Get the biweekly newsletter, bonus podcast episodes, transcripts, AND Karina will record an outgoing voicemail or other short audio message of your choosing. One recording per Patron.